Here for you and your Community

Community Futures Trust has a wealth of experience in supporting Community groups, Charities, CIC’s and all kind of ‘Not for Profit’ organisations in achieving transformational success. We offer a friendly, professional and supportive service to all sizes of organisation – whether you are thinking of starting your own organisation or running a large Charity!


Fundraising - our most sought after offering with support on bidding for grants, events, developing donor bases, legacies, sponsorship and social enterprise.


Community Futures Trust CIC is able to offer you training and support on a host of topics (see below) plus bespoke courses to meet particular requirements.


We can also run Away Days, SWOT sessions, Organisation Health Checks, undertake development work, community research and meet many other needs

Community Futures Trust

Working in - and across Communities

Our team come from a diverse background and have extensive experience in tackling serious issues, developing Cohesion, tailoring our work to the needs of many different Cultures, Interfaith work, working with young and old, supporting those on the fringe of Society e.g. Homelessness, Prisoners, Substance misuse, overcoming poverty, Health and disability (Mental and Physical) plus many more projects that empower individuals and provide choice and voice.

Your Identity

We support others to grow, learn and succeed

Involving others is at the heart of everything we do – we take time to find out what is important to you and your organisation then offer solutions that takes you on a journey of learning and growth. Co-design, Co-production and Co-delivery is essential to empower communities to identify their own challenges, develop their own solutions and celebrate their own successes – we provide a range of services that assist you through that journey

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Ashley Right
Quote 2
John Paul
Quote 3
Bill Jackson

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.